<---- nav ------>


Get your webpage noticed!

The internet is a big place and it is not always easy getting noticed through all the clutter. You need the right tools and a great customer experience to get their attention. I can bring you the tools you need to optimize your web presence. This site was designed to demonstrate responsiveness with mobile devices so please check it out on your phone.

layers of code, and binary each at diferent depths and angles in 3d moving forward while scrolling up on a repeated loop

About Me

Navy Chief's anchor. A fouled golden anchor with the anchor chain looping back and forth behind it, and in Silver the letters U S N on front
Coming from

I spent 22 years in the Navy working with amazing people, and doing incredible things. I developed a laundry list of skills, but probably the most important was tenacity and knowing how far I can push myself to accomplish my goals. I was ready to start a new challenge, and finish an old dream.

Western Washington University Vikings logo. Everything on a blue backdrop The middle has a viking ship proudly riding up a wave centered in a silver circular field. This field has Western above and vikings below in silver following the curve of the circular field with and a silver ring around everything. The blue backdrop extends to the edges of the image.

I went back to school. First completing a transfer degree in computer science, I was accepted at Western Washington University to complete my BS in Computer Science. I recently graduated and while I feel like I've accomplished much, I know there is a larger journey of growth and development in front of me. I look forward to meeting new challenges and learning from those experiences.

A blue almost cloudless sky. A large white sign shaped to point to the foreground on a black pole scribed with the word 'ethics'. Behind and to the right is another black pole with other white signs pointing in different directions. Each with one of the following words from top down: Dilemma, values, right, compliance, morals, wrong, benefit, and choice.
The future

I look forward to the opportunity to jump into being a full stack developer. I want to focus on ethical programming. With accessibility concerns, and new rules on privacy, not only is it a financial concern, but one we owe to our communities that support the work we do. Additionally I'd like to bring the advantages of the internet to communities that have little access to it beyond being a user.

Scroll through my testimonials!

(Not actual testimonials just a formatting example)


You can navigate to the website or the repo to review the code. You can see the sites evolve as my skills improved.

Design Description

A list of tools used on the site and brief explanation for design

Resources that made it work

  • PHP
  • SCSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Jquery
  • Javascript
  • Fontawesome
  • Scrollreveal
  • Baguettebox
  • Owlcarousel
  • Mysql
  • The sweat of coders before me

My process

I expect most people viewing this site will be on PCs, but I wanted to demonstrate the importance of mobile first development. In the first iteration of this portfolio it had seperate pages you could navigate to via the navBar. I decided for mobile devices to switch it to a single page they could scroll and swipe to view as much as possible without constantly opening the nav button. There is still a navBar however for mobile devices it stays at the top of the site rather than fixed on the screen. I did add a fixed button on the bottom to return to top for easy direct navigation if the user would like.
Baguettebox is a great way to make a gallery small that users can quickly open and view all the pictures without opening a new page, and owl-caresoul allows you to have cards not taking up large amounts of screen space that users can easily swipe through. With one exception the design was about ease of navigation and reduced use of screen space, the "About Me" section I needed for a cool animation effect using scrollreveal.


Social Media



Github Profile

Contact Information:

Michael S Rettus II       ph#(360) 499-9260


Click to Email Support

Pic of me above the waist, White male with a striped collared shirt, wearing a ballcap framed by two trees with a valley and hills in the background